Comparison Chart of Lyme Disease and Co-infections Symptoms

 Home Starts with “Onset”  Temperature Disturbances Cognitive Disturbances Dental Disturbances Digestive Disturbances Ear Disturbances Eyes Disturbances Head-Neck Disturbances  Circulatory Disturbances
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-rash (sometimes)-Flu-likeMore symptoms here 9 Listed Symptoms-feels unregulated -Can’t stand hot or cold temperatures. -Body temperature below 37C ( 98.6°F)  -Ice cold body parts and patches  -Unexplained sudden over-heating throughout body. -Unexplained chills  -Unexplained sweats/fevers/feeling very hot. -Unexplained fevers 43 Listed Symptoms**Neuroborelliosis: -short term  memory loss -Poor decisions -poor planning -impulsiveness -poor judgment  -loss of ability for complex  -Brain fog -Difficulty with multi-tasking. -Problems with letter or number reversals  5 Listed Symptoms-Difficulty chewing -pain in teeth  -chronic gingivitis -receding  gums  -thinning enamel -Painful gums/jaw 23 Listed Symptoms**-disturbances with tongue,  chewing, swallowing, esophagus, Stomach, abdomen,  bowels,  intestines, liver -Reluctance to go to school/work /going out to eat because of bouts of diarrhea. 5 listed Symptoms-Sound sensitivity -ear problems -pain from sound  -ringing in ear -Decreased hearing in one or both ears. -Plugged ears. -Ears popping 25 listed Symptoms-Light sensitivity -Pain, pressure -drooping lids, etc. -Sudden blurred “foggy” vision. Double vision. – Increased floaters  -Floating black  specs – “Spots” before eyes -Looking through waviness/wigglyness, – redness. -Pressure in eyes -Dry eyes -Drooping of eyelids 33 listed Symptoms-Headaches, -stiff neck -confusion -fluid in head  -Sharp pains  -Numbness -tender areas -neuralgia’s – red face -Light headedness, wooziness, feeling off balance -Twitching of facial muscles ,sensation of sharp facial pain, crawly feeling. 16 listed Symptoms-infection -inflammation of the heart valves, lining of the heart  – extra beats  -Stroke -Heart rate -blood pressure disturbances and more
Anaplasmosis -Flu like rash (rare) More symptoms here . . . . . -Sharp, knife-like,  behind the eyes type of headache. -Bleeding easily -heart
Babesiosis Babesia -Gradual, nonspecific -Rash occasional -chills -High Fevers intermittent  -drenching night sweats -malaise -low grade fever More symptoms here Dental problems, TMJ problems -Sudden pain within each tooth or  entire jaw bones -Loss of appetite -Nausea –Abdominal pain -weight loss -diarrhea -enlarged liver -swollen spleen -lower belly fat . -Eye problems -bloodshot eyes -sore eyes -sensitivity to light -Many, many  more -Headache -Neck stiffness -Sore throat or cough -pallor -Brain fog -jaundice **heart problems  -Tachycardia -Congestive heart failure -band pressure around the heart -low blood pressure More
Bartonellosis BartonellaList of Bartonella Infections here -Flu-like same day as bite -rash -prolonged fevers -hot flashes -cold extremities – Inflammation of brain -Inflammed spinal cord -memory loss More symptoms here -Numerous GI track disorders -poor appetite -gastritis  -lower abdominal pain -anorexia -gastrointestinal lesions -weight gain.  -Liver disorder -Enlarged spleen -under right rib pain -pain from sound from brain inflammation **Many eye disorders -vision loss  -eye infections  -Red eyes -intense pressure -Vision loss, blurred vision, light sensitivity,  -eye infections  -Pain behind the eyes  – MANY -sharp frontal or top of head headaches -brain fog -dizziness  -Loss of jaw bone >infections of the brain -Thickened blood -vein swelling -intravascular disease -broken veins -unexplained type of bruises, -spider veins >edocarditis – pulse -polyps in/around major organs -progressive anemia
B. quintana Trench Fever -Rash(fleeting) -Sudden high fevers Relapsing fevers . More symptoms here liver and spleen enlargement . pain behind the eyes severe headache blood infection  heart valve problems endocarditis
Borrilia miyamotoi -Flu-like Rash (not often) -chills -relapsing fever along with flu like symptoms . More symptoms here vomiting . . headache .
Boutonneuse fever -Rash -Flu-like . . More symptoms here -Gastrointestinal bleeding  -enlarged liver -enlarged spleen . -Enlarged blood vessels in eyes -Meningitis -Meningism- neck stiffness, intolerance of bright light, headache -Heart problems
Brucellosis  Brucella – rash (rare)  – Flu-like -recurrent fevers -profuse sweating -night sweats **Neurobrucellosis Inflamed brain causes many symptoms; -impaired  cognitive  functions  -memory loss -difficulty performing activities of  daily living  -speech  difficulties  Much More More symptoms here Gastric discomfort -colitis -constipation -nausea -diarrhoea  -no appetite enlarged liver hepatitis C anemia enlarged spleen -ringing in ear -hearing loss  -pain from sound ** Many eye problems -Optic nerve inflammation -retinal detachment -conjunctivitis -posterior uveitis -eyeball inflammation  -purpura, -maculopapular lesions -sudden loss of vision -Tumors /abscesses -ischemic strokes -aneurysms,  -seizure -subdural hemorrhage -pressure inside skull -cranial nerve palsies -unusually long headaches -Brucella meningitis Endocarditis -Rapid heart rate
Clamydia Pneumonia .More symptoms here . -inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) -confusion -acute psychosis  -aseptic meningitis . . -inflammation of the eardrum -double vision and decreased vision, eye infection -Scratchy sore throat, laryngitis,  -temporary paralysis, mainly  in the face. -Persistent progressive Headache -dry cough  -nasal congestion .
Colorado  Tick Fever Flu like- (rare) a faint rash -Sudden high fever More symptoms here . sometimes: -Nausea, -vomiting -diarrhea, -abdominal pain -hepatitis. . -light sensitivity -severe headache 10%:  meningitis or encephalitis -rare pneumonitis -myocarditis
Eastern tick-borne Rickettsiosis Flu-like rash More symptoms here . . . . -eye problems headache vasculitis
Ehrlichiosis Ehrlichia flu-like rash (sometimes) prolonged fever More symptoms here . -upset stomach -nausea,  -loss of appetite . . -Sharp headaches -meningitis -cough -sore throat -bleed easily -vasculitis -anemia
Mycoplasmosis Mycoplasma’s see Mycoplasma Pneumoniae -Very similar  to chronic Lyme disease. slow growing   (Multisystemic)  (lives within cells) -night sweats -intermittent fevers -memory loss -loss of  concentration More symptoms here -gastrointestinal  problems -nausea  -diarrhea -bloating . -light sensitivity -visual  disturbances -floaters  -eye pain . -abnormal blood pressure  -congestive heart failure
Powassan virus -Flu-likeno rash .Fever  shivering -Altered consciousness -Confusion  -agitation -Personality changes Hallucinations more . -vomiting anorexia,nausea and diarrhea -liver abnormalities More symptoms here . severe headach  -stiff neck tick-borne encephalitis- Children: Buldging in soft spot and more
Coxiella burnetti Q Fever -No rash -Flu-like . ** Symptoms  similar to those of Lyme disease. . enlarged liver  inflamed liver . More symptoms here meningitis -encephalitis Valvular damage endocarditis -50%: abnormal  liver function
Rickettsia recettsii Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever -Flu-like -About a week later a rash develops More symptoms here . . -gastrointestinal  problems -10% will produce stools positive for occult blood. . -light sensitive headache untreated: dizziness  aphasia deafness -meningitis vasculitis can lead to myocarditis -10%: jaundice  congestive heart failure
STARI -Rash -Flu-like See  Lyme disease symptoms .See  Lyme disease symptoms .More symptoms here .Similar to lyme symptoms ..Similar to lyme symptoms .Similar to lyme symptoms. headache stiff neck ..Similar to lyme symptoms
Tick Paralysis neurotoxins  released by tick salivary glands during a blood  meal cause  paralysis .More symptoms here . . . . . .
Tick-borne encephalitis . . . . . . . . .
Tickborne Relapsing Fever Flu-like no rash  Drenching sweats -cycles of high fever,f .More symptoms here  . -nausea -vomiting -anorexia -Liver and spleen . -conjunctivitis -headache -facial palsy -meningitis -Myocarditis  -blood pressure
Francisella Tularencis Tularemia -Flu-like -Rash -fever -exhaustion and More symptoms here . -nausea -vomiting -diarrhea, -abdominal pain -intestinal ulceration’s -weight loss . -inflamed eyes  often with a discharge. -sore throat -mouth sores -rare; meningitis .

Note: There may be more or less symptoms depending on the strain of pathogen, an individuals immune seystem, complications, and other infections present in the body.

. Immune/Endocrine Disturbances Locomotor Disturbance Psychiatric Disturbances Neurologic Disturbances Reproductive Disturbances Respiratory Disturbances Severe Sleep Disturbances Skin Disturbances Urinary Disturbances
Borelliosis Lyme disease 12 listed-Immune dysfunction -Thyroid, Adrenal -Spleen -lymphathic system -Inflammation -Edema -candida(Sugar craving,Allergies) -Enlarged lymph nodes 33 listed-Arthritis -Pains of all  types in joints, tendons,  ligaments,  bones, muscles, spine.  -Muscle cramps /spasms, -weakness  or partial  paralysis of limbs – coordination disturbance 22 listed-depression  -explosive irritability -anxiety/distress  -rage – anger -abnormal sadness -frustration -paranoia -Racing &  obsessive  thoughts  -Mimics most  every psychiatric disorder 30 listed-Hypersensitivity -Abnormal brain waves -twitching -unexplained shaking -jerking, -Numbness, -Difficulty walking -poor balance -weakness  -partial paralysis -Peripheral  Neuropathy -Restless legs 12 listed-Testicular pain  -Menstrual disturbances -pelvic pain, -reproductive disturbances -Swollen testicles -Loss or increase of sex drive -Unexplained breast or nipple pain/ discharge -Reproduction problems 6 listed-Air hunger -non-productive cough -laboured breathing, or gasping -Respiratory infections, asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, cough, chest pains. – Can’t get a full  breath. -When talking suddenly running out of air. 9 listed-Fatigue -difficulty falling or staying asleep.  -Unable to get into the deep normal sleep -Being awakened  by sudden severe arthritic pains throughout entire body that is excruciating, dramatic, and feels like you are on deaths door and most  is gone by the next morning. 14 listed-Skin blotches -rashes -tickling on  the skin -Nodules -Fingernail changes -Numbness – Pinna and ear lobes have varying shades of red. -Tender spots -Fingernail changes -Burning skin -itchiness 5 listed-Bladder problems -kidney disturbances. -Neurogenic bladder  -Bladder pain relieved by urination. – Children bed wetting – urinary tract infections
Anaplasmosis -Inflammation, -Fungal infections -muscle pains . -Peripheral n.europathy . -Respiratory problems >lung . -Rash (rare) -Skin rashes -genital & oral ulcers >kidney,
Babesiosis Babesia -malaise -Listlessness -sweats  -Inflammation -Symptoms flare  every 4 to 6 days. -neck andback stiffness-muscle aches  -joint  pain- weakness -severe depressions -severe agitation -Mood swings -extreme irritability -rage -anxiety -loss of concentration -excessive emotional reactions -feeling of  imbalance -Severe chest  wall pain -Random  stabbing pains -hallucinatory &  confusional states -delirium,  -sleep                     -coma . **Lung problems -air hunger, -shortness of breath  -dry cough -respiratory failure  -Pressure in chest -rib pain -lack of oxygen -Pulmonary edema -unrelenting fatigue -Disruptive sleep -frequent waking -insomnia -Excess breast tissue in a male -Sudden itching -lumps in tssues -jaundice -petechiae **Kidney problems -dark urine or blood in urine (especially during treatment) -renal failure  -Renal insufficiency
Bartonellosis BartonellaList of Bartonella Infections here -Swollen Lymph nodes  anywhere  on the body. -Cold extremities -non-pitting edema -fainting Inflammation of bones, marrow, pelvis bones  and spine will manifests many symptoms; -backache -Intense muscle spasms  -lack of muscle coordination  -Burning/ shooting pains -Burning &  pains in soles, shins,legs, -Unrelenting  tingling feet &  legs -joint swelling -Digital clubbing > Much more Brain inflammation causes behavior changes; -severe rage -anxiety- panic attacks -easily upset  -fear  -severe mood swings  – irritability -Combative behavior -confusion  -noise intolerance -OCD  -depression.  Whenever Limbic brain is inflamed it manifests  psychiatric symptoms Spine and brain inflammation manifes; -muscle twitches -tremors -seizures -muscle  weakness -tremors  -Peripheral Neuropathy -numbness  or loss of  sensation -Paralysis -Swelling of testicles – sometimes breathlessness -insomnia -Significant sleep disruption -on-going fatigue -nodules -Pustules, tiny red points, vesicles.  -elongated  streaked stretch marks  filled with red, pink, purple  or dark blue color. -Hot/burning skin  -Red skin  -sore soles – faint white dotted  (chicken wire) skin -lumps  -Itching for unknown reason -Tender subcutaneous  nodules along  the extremities & shin bones inflammation of Spine/brain causes intermittent  urination  roblems
B. quintana Trench Fever -Relapsing fevers -muscle aches -joint pain -pain in the shins . . . . . -benign tumor -masses rash .
Boutonneuse Fever -Swollen lymph nodes -Inflammation -Muscular & bone aches . . . -Lung problems . -Some (rash) -Jaundice -Purpuric rash .
Brucellosis  Brucella -Inflammation   -recurrent fevers -profuse sweating -night sweats -burning pain areas -Arthritis  spines, joints, -bone infection -Muscle pain, weakness.  -Severe lower  back pain -behaviour change -psychosis -disinhibition -impulsivity  -loss of insight, personal& social awareness. -anxiety -irritability -distractibility -memory loss  -depression, **-Peripheral neuropathy  -involuntary movements -cranial nerve  palsies -inflammation of  spinal cord,  -weakness of a leg or  extremities -tremors  -inability to walk properly -numbness attacks -pins and needles sensations -Prostitis -testis pain and heaviness -Water on the lungs  -pneumonia -shortness of breath  -chest pains -cough Fatigue . -kidney inflammation & abscesses -excessive urination and extreme thirst
Borrilia miyamotoi fever chills myalgia . . . . fatigue . .
Clamydia Pneumonia -Malaise -Chills.Fever -Muscle & joint aches  -generalized aches & pains,  -chest pain close to the site of the pneumonia . . . -Sore chest  -tracheal tenderness -pneumonia -walking pneumonia  -productive or/and nonproductive cough . -non-specific rashes .
Colorado  Tick Fever fatigue and malaise for weeks to months -weaknesss -muscle and joint pain drowsy -sleepy rare: coma children: neurologic problems . -may develop pneumonia fatigue 10%: non-specific rash. .
Eastern tick-borne Rickettsiosis -Fever -malaise -enlarged lymph nodes . . . . . . -rashes .
Ehrlichiosis Ehrlichia -Fever malaise -enlarged lymph nodes  -Inflammation -Fungal infections Children: swelling  of hands and feet stiff neck -Aching joints -Mild or severe -muscle pain -Confusion -Peripheral neuropathies . -respiratory distress  >lungs -Fatigue -Skin rashes, genital  and oral ulcers >kidney’s
Mycoplasmosis Mycoplasma -lymph node pain -chemical  -sensitivities -night sweats -periodic fevers muscle spasms -joint pain -joint stiffness -balance  problem irritability -depression -nervousness -anxiety  -Memory loss -loss of concentration sensitivity spots -balance problems . breathing -irregularity -congestion -coughing  -persistent  -Chest pain -chronic bronchitis sleep disturbances -chronic fatigue skin rashes -hair loss problems with urination
Powassan virus -malaise  -listlessness -Aches in muscles or joints -weakness, confusion- -peripheral neuropathy – sensation or paralysis  in areas of body . Non-productive cough,chest pain or shortness Fatigue . .
Coxiella  burnetti Q Fever Symptoms similar to Lyme disease High fever Pneumonia  -abnormal liver function Bone infection. . -inflammation spinal cord  -peripheral neuropathy . 1/3 develop pneumonia  shortness of breath .  purpuric rashes Inflammation of  kidney blood vessels
Rickettsia.recettsii Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Flu-like One week later rash achiness,  sore musclesuntreated: -loss of coordination -paralysis  -spasms . Untreated: -permanent neurological problems -lethargy  -confusion  -cranial neuropathies -seizures  -coma . edema respiratory distress pneumonia . 50%: rash on  palms and soles of the feet, or around the wrists and ankles,  or trunk > kidneys
STARI -Flu-like -muscle pains -Sometimes joint pain .Similar to lyme symptoms .Similar to lyme symptoms .Similar to lyme symptoms .Similar to lyme symptoms .Similar to lyme symptoms Lyme-like rash expands in a circular or oval .Similar to lyme symptoms
Tick Paralysis . . -numbness – tingling in face  or limbs -paralysis starting in feet and legs . If the tick is not removed  paralysis can  affect respiratory muscles. . . .
Tick-borne encephalitis . . . . . . . . .
Tickborne Relapsing Fever .malaise -myalgias -joint & bone pain . -seizures -cranial nerves problems (especially facial palsy) -coma. -spontaneous abortion -premature birth -neonatal death -dry cough -Fatigue . .
Francisella Tularencis Tularemia Rash -Swollen/ painful lymph glands -stiff joints . . . >lungs -pneumonia -extreme fatigue *Skin ulcer at the bite site .

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