The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them

(Book of Sirach;38.4)


The inspired Word instructs that all things derive from the Creator and that nature’s substances were given for nutrition as well as medicine.  Nature’s substances are therefore clearly indigenous to His people, are sacred, and should surely be the first choice in medicine for believers desiring the best in health and to remediate routine and chronic illness. For the healer however, it is important to note that if the Almighty had intended substances alone to cure all human ills His inspired Word would not instruct to call upon Him in prayer.

In other words, pastoral practitioners should be ever mindful that the administration of substances is but one step in moving the ailing to homeostasis.  Natural medicines are certainly intended by the most high to bring balance in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of health, but redundant administration of substances and remedies, without counsel on natural principles for health, and, without moving the ill to a natural diet, lifestyle and toward the Creators promise of healing tend to incite the receiver to look with awe upon the practitioner and science, to remain dependent on others rather than moving toward self responsibility and the wisdom of a healthy lifestyle.  This redundant administration of substances, without counsel then, whether chemical or natural, is counter to the principles of pastoral science, underlies the widespread problem of believers worshiping science rather than Him from which all life flows and is the core problem with secular forms of health care from whence the most High has been removed.

The purpose then of this Formulary is to guide pastoral practitioners licensed by this Association to utilize approved Formulary agents in a manner that is consistent with the above described core belief, and in accordance with training, abilities and scope of practice. Note that these rules are specific to routine practice, and do not apply to missionary activities that may include “emergency” medicine in foreign lands. Formulary rules for missionary events are specific to such events in accordance with permissions granted by the governing authority and consistent with practitioner training.



This formulary has been established by the Pastoral Medical Association as an autonomous ecclesiastical jurisdiction and has been adjudged to be consistent with our Constitution, Canons, By-Laws and Administrative Rules.  The listed substances are therefore declared indigenous and sacred to Members and shall be available for unimpeded use by Members of this jurisdiction in accordance with the Purpose herein stated.



A licensee authorized to offer pastoral health services under this ecclesiastical jurisdiction, acting in his or her capacity as a licensee shall not prescribe, dispense or administer any substance except those natural agents that are substances present in or produced by nature, not artificial or man-made, or as otherwise may be authorized in these Rules.



4.1.      DISPENSION of NATURAL AGENTS; Licensees of this Association may recommend, dispense or administer sacred natural agents of mineral, animal and botanical origin which are;

1.      “natural” according to the following definition; present in or produced by nature, not artificial or man-made. (Source – American Heritage Dictionary);2.     not substances created by science that are prohibited or considered prescription controlled substances by any State or federal law;
3.     substances that in all cases “First Do No Harm”;
4.     in the professional opinion of Licensee, the appropriate agent required to attend the physical, mental or spiritual homeostasis;
5.     listed in scripture or shown effective for the intended purpose through reasonable historical evidence, scripturally valid science or respected publications.
6.     administered in conjunction with pastoral services and intended to support and balance health in conjunction with education on natural principles.

4.2.     NATURAL AGENTS under these Rules include but are not limited to;

1.     Sacred agents of botanical origin in whatever form, including but not limited to essential oils, tea’s, capsules, tablets, extracts, infusions and compilations of eastern, western and oriental medicines.

2.     Minerals and salts of the earth and ocean, in whatever form.
3.     Animal agents in whatever form including glandular extracts.
4.     Amino Acids and Amino Acid Combination’s.
5.     Vitamins; all natural vitamins and their derivatives in whatever form.
6.     Enzyme preparations including but not limited to Amylase, Chymotrypsin, Lipase, Pancreatin, including Pancrelipase, Papain, Protease and Typsin.

7.    Homeopathic preparations including all non-prescription remedies that are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Standards.

8.     Miscellaneous agents:
A.    DMSO
B.    Alcohol
C.    Natural Solvents
D.    Elements and preparations such as colloidal Gold and Silver, Iodine and Iodine  preparations.
E.    Digestive aids – betaine and glutamic hydrochloric acid (non RX).
F.     Fulvic & Humic acids.

4.3.      ADMINISTRATION; approved routes of administration include;

PO = By Mouth
Topical/Transdermal = Applied To Skin
Rectal = Suppository or other rectal infusion
Other = In accordance with the training of the practitioner



5.1       VIOLATION OF RULES;  these Formulary Rules shall form part of the Administrative Rules of the Association.  A Licensee that violates any provision of these Rules shall be in violation of the Administrative Rules and subject to the remedies therein for administrative violations.