Homeopathy for Flu/Cold

There are several homeopathic remedies available to combat flu effectively. At the very first sign that flu is developing, take 1/2 tube of Anas barbariae (marketed under various brand names, including Oscillococcinum) every two hours, for a total of five doses. Combination flu remedies work in majority of cases if Read more…

Homeopathic Remedies for Cold

Cold symptoms often respond well to homeopathic remedies. At the very first sign of a cold, take 1/3 tube of Anas barbariae (sold under various brand names, including Oscillococcinum), as directed on the product label, three times daily for one day. Then, during the acute phase of the cold, take Read more…

Without any Safety Testing

On September 15, 2009, HHS Secretary Sebelius announced to the Health and Education Committee that 4 Swine Flu vaccines were now approved for use in the general public WITHOUT ANY SAFETY TESTING whatsoever.  CLICK HERE, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3532, to read Dr. Rima’s virtual interview with Secretary Sebelius based her unsubstantiated, and downright Read more…