Recipes using Soap Flakes

Picture of Soap Flakes bagBasic laundry use (dry)

Ingredients: 2 cups Soap Flakes, 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda

Instructions: Mix dry ingredients together. Store in a plastic bucket or other heavy plastic or glass container that has been used to store a cleaning product so that container will not leak or dissolve.

Usage: In top loading machines use 1/2 cup to 1 cup for light to average loads, use 2 cups for heavily soiled loads. In front loading machines use approximately 2 tbsp.

Basic laundry use (liquid)

Ingredients: 1 cup Soap Flakes, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup borax, 2 tbsp glycerin, 2 cups water

Instructions: Mix the Soap Flakes, baking soda, and borax together and add the water and glycerin. Store in a heavy plastic or glass container that has been used to store a cleaning product, so that container will not leak or dissolve.

Usage: In top loading machines use 1/2 to 3/4 cup per load. In front loading machines use approximately 1 to 2 tbsp.

Liquid / gel soapPicture of Soap Flakes box

Ingredients: 2 cups Soap Flakes, 1/2 gallon of water, 2 tbsp glycerin

Instructions: Mix ingredients together in a large pot over low heat, stirring occasionally until the soap has dissolved. Transfer to a jar and cover tightly.

General all purpose liquid cleaner I

Ingredients: 1 tbsp Soap Flakes, 1 quart warm or hot water. To make stronger also add: 2 tbsp borax, 1 tsp lemon juice, or white vinegar

Instructions: Dissolve the Soap Flakes in the water and add the other ingredients.

General all purpose liquid cleaner II

Ingredients: 1/4 cup Soap Flakes, 3/4 cup hot water, 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp tea-tree extract, 2 tbsp isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol

Instructions: Dissolve the Soap Flakes in the water and add the other ingredients.

Dish washing (by hand)

Ingredients: 2 cups Soap Flakes, 1 gallon of water

Instructions: Put Soap Flakes into a large pot, add water and stir. Heat over medium heat stirring occasionally until soap is dissolved. Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Let cool. Store in tightly covered container. Add a little white vinegar to your dishwater when you wash dishes to cut grease.

Picture of Soap Flakes bagMaintaining leather and woven cord seats

Ingredients: 2 tbsp Soap Flakes, 1 quart boiled water

Instructions: Dissolve the Soap Flakes into the water.

Usage: Wash the surface gently using a soft cloth or sponge wrung out in the solution when water is warm. Without further washing, allow the furniture to dry at room temperature so the soap solution is absorbed into the leather or papercord. It is important that leather and papercord are not drenched in the solution and that surfaces are moistened evenly to avoid staining as the surface dries. Repeat the process if the leather is badly soiled.

Maintaining soap-finished furniture

Ingredients: 1 tbsp Soap Flakes, 1 quart warm water

Instructions: Dissolve the Soap Flakes into the water.

Usage: Clean using a cloth wrung out in the solution. For heavily-soiled furniture, a nylon scouring pad can be used. Cleaning along the direction of the wood grain. The furniture should not be soaked with the solution, and surplus residue should be wiped away. Never use ferruginous materials. It is recommended that the furniture is cleaned in this way at least once a year, so that over time the wood absorbs more and more soap thus making the piece more repellent to marks or staining.

Note that the recipes presented here should be used as a starting point in your experimentation. Soap Flakes have many uses. It is best to discover your own best mixtures and dosages through trial and error until you achieve the performance you desire. Also note that gel recipes using Soap Flakes tend to create a thick gel. There is no practical way to adjust the thickness.

Categories: Soap Flakes