On September 15, 2009, HHS Secretary Sebelius announced to the Health and Education Committee that 4 Swine Flu vaccines were now approved for use in the general public WITHOUT ANY SAFETY TESTING whatsoever.  CLICK HERE, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3532, to read Dr. Rima’s virtual interview with Secretary Sebelius based her unsubstantiated, and downright dishonest, testimony before the House.

FDA’s position is illogical, immoral and illegal.  That is why Natural Solutions Foundation is on our way to Federal Court to stop this approval from going forward.  Our case actually got stronger with Sebelius’ announcement since we were about to go into Court for a Temporary Restraining Order (steeper uphill climb), but now we are suing to appeal the approval (strong case, even better chance of victory).  We believe we have a very good shot at stopping the shot.  Read more here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3516

Categories: Cold and Flu